Communication: Your Strategy's Silent Saboteur
There's one thing that's derailing your strategy. It's making your team disengaged. It's reducing your profits, customer service, and product quality. It has led to some of your people quitting. It has led to lost deals. It's keeping people up at night. And it's not complicated:
Your people don't know how to talk to each other.
I've been having conversations with hundreds of business and team leaders, and there's one fascinating theme that keeps coming up: plain and simple communication challenges.
It's not a hot topic. It might be hard to convince business leaders to invest in. But the classic and boring idea that we need to improve our communication with each other is never more important than now. And it's not fixing itself.
At Crewjoy we're building a future of work where every individual worker's preferred communication styles, modes, patterns, and tools can be discovered, shared, and integrated right into daily workflows. So that teams can find the unique rhythms that work best for diverse groups of humans. And where challenges can be worked through much more easily through the use of human-centric data.
Better communication may not be the latest flavor of the month... but it will improve the collaboration of every person on your team, every single day.