Sunrise Summits or Soggy Reports
Is this your dream or your nightmare?
Meeting on the top of mountain as a gorgeous sunrise illuminates your team sipping on their morning coffees, digging into a joyful collaborative session in the refreshing morning air?
Or rifling through a soggy stack of mind-numbing quarterly reports after a four hour slog to the top of a dangerous cliff, while you hadn't even really woke up yet?
The example is a silly one, but here's the thing: something as simple as when, where, (and why!) to meet should be fundamentally influenced by the working styles, rhythms, patterns, strengths, and needs of the diverse and unique people who will participate.
Some people are at their best first thing in the morning, others prefer a whole morning of deep focused work instead of meeting. Some don't like to meet at all! We prefer different channels, show up better at different times and places, and prepare in different ways.
Too often our business contexts care little for these differences. This is crucial data that we miss or ignore. Instead we might assume that everyone works the same way. Or we might believe that, while people do indeed work better in different ways, we are simply locked into tradition or precedent.
But work can be better than that. At Crewjoy we are helping teams discover and share this type data with each other. And leverage it to find optimal patterns for each unique group.
How are you finding ways to unlock better collaboration with your diverse team?

From Isolation to Connection

The Tailor-Made Revolution